Alcohol Counseling Through Christian Therapy
Tacoma Christian Counselor
Through Christian therapy, you will discover hope and transformation. You will also build self-esteem, develop relationships, improve attitudes, and learn the importance of God’s love and serving others. Christian therapy also provides many other benefits, including addressing mental health issues, belonging to a strong community, and, post-therapy and treatment, a plan for ongoing sobriety and lifelong transformation.

It puts problems into perspective because you possess Christ’s power and His promise to guide you through every situation. Then, as a believer in Christ, you have the Holy Spirit to empower and guide you. Counseling helps you listen and submit to the Holy Spirit, recognize how you get in the way, and stop arrogantly trying your strategy instead of His.
The destruction of addiction and building on Christianity.
Addiction is destructive by nature. It ruins relationships, destroys self-esteem, shuts down, and reduces motivation to improve. However, whether we struggle with relationship issues, addiction issues, self-loathing, or greed, Christian counseling and therapy will transform our thinking and life.
Through the power of God, Christian therapy points the way to a godly heart, renewed mind, and changed behaviors. The concept of AA is suitable for Christian therapy, as it uses the relationships sustained and created by believers to help each member of the AA group. The Twelve Step principles are built on the spiritual foundation that God will guide our steps and give us the power to walk through this life. (Chamberlin 2023).
Alcohol counseling teaches you how to serve others.
One major part of Christianity and Christian therapy is the calling and desire to serve others. As our love for God grows, we start to love who and what He loves. One of the signs you are paying attention and “getting” Christian alcohol counseling is seeing a change of heart toward God and other people.
Christian counseling motivates you to be less selfish and to help others whenever possible. Many addicts who have gone through Christian alcohol counseling try to find ways to help others from a sense of gratitude for their own healing, sobriety, and forgiveness. Service to others has added benefits for the one recovering. Serving others helps keep them grounded, and it can contribute to them feeling better about themselves.
Christian values are unique in our world today. These values put others before us and demand perseverance and hope in the face of challenges and disasters. These values are vital to addiction recovery. Christian values also promote the health of the whole mind, body, and spirit. This means that alongside behavioral wellness, Christian therapy incorporates psychological healing.
Addicts turn to alcohol when they feel disconnected or do not belong. You develop a relationship with alcohol. You belong to or are owned by alcohol. Ultimately, the opposite of addiction is belonging. It always feels so good to belong, fit in, and have a sense of security, especially during something as emotionally challenging as alcohol therapy.
God can instill a sense of connection and belonging. Christian alcohol counseling is a good option because it fosters a supportive community of like-minded humans. Counseling gives people in recovery more than programs. It provides healthy, positive connections with other believers in the form of spiritual fellowship, family as God’s children and sisters and brothers of Christ.
Alcoholism facts.
If you are a born-again believer, you are not doomed; you can be delivered from alcoholism, and you must continually be on guard against this area of temptation. You cannot drink again. Alcoholism can be generational, passed down through families. Children of alcoholics can also become alcoholics through generational learned behavior.
However, if you find that your alcoholism is generational, you cannot blame your family. You must take responsibility for your own actions and overcome your addiction so that you do not pass on this tendency to your children. You are not alone. The temptation you are battling regarding alcohol is common, but God has made a way to escape (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Life after alcohol counseling.
After you have gone through Christian alcohol counseling, you will be changed, though you may anticipate some challenging days ahead. Acquiring knowledge and being transformed through trust in God will affect every area of your life. It will be necessary to continue ongoing support and counseling to avoid relapsing or taking steps backward.
Some spiritual programs allow you to experience a more significant and positive transformation process. You will have the confidence that comes through your faith strengthened by adversity, and it will be necessary for you to become part of a local Christian church and enjoy the continued support of a close-knit Christian community. This community will also provide opportunities for you to serve others.
Whether volunteering at a therapy center, participating in a church-operated support group, or helping in some other way with their church, these opportunities will help you grow in your sobriety and faith. The life-after-therapy support and the service opportunities created by Christian therapy will help prevent you from taking steps backward in your relationship with God.
How to deal with alcoholism.
Recognize that abuse of alcohol is a work of the flesh. Examine why you need alcohol and why you drink. Determining why can help you understand and address the root cause of your problem with alcohol instead of relying on alcohol. Recognizing and openly confessing that you cannot do it alone and need help is brave.
The book of Proverbs 28:13 says, “He who hides his sins does not progress, but whoever confesses and rejects them finds mercy.” Ask God for help and freedom from thoughts and urges. Pray about your alcoholism and the root cause(s)– the hurt, loneliness, inferiority, pain, etc., that drives you to drink.
Change your lifestyle. Do not attend events where drinking occurs or hang around with family and friends who engage in drinking. Create a support system and network. Consider forming a personal support network of people who have recovered from alcoholism.
Remember that if you keep trying, you will never fail until you start drinking again. Do not feel defeated or give up. Ask God to forgive you and strengthen you to take control of your addiction through the power of the Holy Spirit. Then, get back on the horse and begin again. Rather than condemning yourself, think about ways to remove yourself the next time you have considered and are tempted.
Alcohol treatment.
12-step program and Alcoholics Anonymous created a program founded on a deep spiritual walk with Christ and a relationship with God. Scripture is focused on throughout each step, and clients are encouraged to discover Christ as their Savior or renew their spiritual walk with Him. Spirituality is a personal experience.
Other treatments.
Enduring temptation is critical, and there are many avenues to treat addiction. Medications also lessen withdrawal risks and ease the discomfort; however, without further treatment, many clients become active in addiction shortly after treatment. (Drug Facts: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction, 2009).
Antabuse is commonly prescribed for the treatment of alcoholism, which makes the user sick if a drink is given. (Drug Facts: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction, 2009). If you have an active addiction and are prescribed medications and decide not to take them, treatment could start again from the beginning.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) allows a client to recognize triggers, stressors, and motives for addiction. CBT supports changing your thoughts and behaviors to increase the odds of relapse prevention and successful treatment. CBT therapy can be spiritual and faith-based. The goal of alcohol counseling is to help you grow in your walk with Christ, find faith in God, and promise that recovery can last a lifetime with God’s help.
Chamberlain, Dr. A. (2023, March 29). Christian Alcohol Rehab. Lighthouse Network.
Faith’s Impact On Substance Abuse. (2022, February 18). Edubirdie, from
“Drink”, Courtesy of Sergio Alves Santos,, CC0 License; “Handcuffed”, Courtesy of Bermix Studio,, CC0 License; “Passed Out Drunk”, Courtesy of Getty Images,, Unsplash+ License; “Drunk”, Courtesy of Jarmoluk,, CC0 License