4 Reasons Why You Should Go to God in Your Anger
Heather Estep
Anger is one of the more difficult emotions to process. Everything can make us angry, from mild annoyances to significant issues. We live in an angry world, and social media has only perpetuated that by allowing people to post cruel comments and sarcastic memes.
An angry person has difficulty resisting and reacting to a post that mocks their presidential candidate or way of life. Yet, there is hope for the angry person. God wants you to come to Him in your anger. Although anger may be difficult to process, there is hope in God. Here are four reasons why you should go to God with your anger:
God and Anger

Whenever we encounter anger in a concrete situation it has real moral value (bad or good) depending on several factors, such as whether it is for the right reasons, directed at the proper object, out of control, or too extreme in relation to that which provoked it. So, contrary to popular myth, it is not merely what we do with that anger that matters (though that may be important).
Exploding in anger at people and taking your anger out on others will sever treasured relationships. Thankfully, God sends the Holy Spirit to indwell Christians, convict them of sin, and give them discernment and self-control. When we go to God with our anger, God is faithful to help us overcome it. Keep going to God in repentance and faith for your sinful anger and persevere.
God becomes angry
God becomes angry over sin. We see this in many places in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. However, because He is God, His anger never was sinful even when He destroyed nations steeped in idolatry and immorality, and never is or will be sinful, even when He punishes all unbelievers in hell on the Last Day.
God also sent his son Jesus to bear the weight of anger. In bearing our sin, Jesus bore the wrath of God against our sin. He suffered the punishment for the sins of His people on the cross. Once that penalty was paid, God’s people received the forgiveness that they didn’t deserve. Jesus’s sacrifice paid for all of their sins, past, present, and future.
Unlike God, however, our anger is always either sinful or at best sinful and mixed with righteousness. Anger can have its place when it points to injustice or hurtful behavior. In your anger, you can go to God and pray and bring that situation to God. God will use that situation for his purposes and transform you and the offender into more Christ-like people because of it.
When you are sinning in your anger, you can go to God in repentance and faith and find forgiveness, comfort, and encouragement.
God can turn any situation around
If you are angry, it’s likely because the situation is not going your way. You may feel like your life is out of control and not know how to control it. However, go to the One who can turn any situation around. Any hopeless situation can be turned around with God’s help. It will require trust in Him. It may require repentance. God hears your prayers and offers forgiveness to those who truly repent.
Recall a time when God has been there for you. Was there a situation in your life where you felt hopeless? In what way did God turn it around? If your life is headed in the wrong direction, you are never too far from God.
Going to God changes you
Every time you go to God, you invite intimacy. Many people know about God. They read the Bible, come and pray, and attend church, but they don’t experience an intimate relationship with God. This is because they do not desire God above all else.
God wants you to meet with him and pour out your anger and pain to him. It may be uncomfortable at first, but when you do, it will feel cathartic. God promises to carry all of your burdens for you. He wants to take that burden so you no longer must hold it. But we must choose to give it to him.
When you go to God and pour out your pain, you may leave his presence gentler, calmer, and more at peace. You learn to trust God, who is in control of all things.
God uses everything in your life for his good, including your anger. Even when anger is difficult to process, God promises he will always be with us. Go to God with your anger. Pour out your heart to him and see what God does. Even if your situation is not turned around the way you want it to be, you can rejoice in the knowledge that you are nurturing the fruit of the Spirit in your life.
Anger is never a pleasant emotion. Anger can destroy your life if you’re not careful. If gone unchecked, anger can be the gateway for bitterness and resentment to take root in your life. These emotions are not something that God wants for you. He wants your emotional life to be governed by His Word and Spirit.
Finding Anger Management Support
Don’t allow anger to plant the root of bitterness or resentment. Get rid of it and resolve it so you can spend your time growing the fruit of the Spirit instead. Don’t live your life feeling angry; you will enjoy the fruits of the sacrifice Jesus made on your behalf.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment for anger management therapy to find support and guidance.
“Rage”, Courtesy of Andrej Lišakov, Unsplash.com, Unsplash+ License; “Rage”, Courtesy of Andrea Cassani, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Supplication”, Courtesy of Marcos Paulo Prado, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Meditation”, Courtesy of Marcos Paulo Prado, Unsplash.com, CC0 License