How Negative Body Image Impacts Your Relationship with God and Your Self-Confidence
Tacoma Christian Counselor
How you perceive your body affects your self-confidence. It can either boost your self-esteem or lower it. Negative body image can also attach to your identity as you see yourself through that mindset. The words we speak to ourselves can either give life or death. We can boost our self-confidence and self-esteem by being good to ourselves and valuing the only body we will ever have.
Self-Esteem: Appreciate or value about yourself.
Self-Confidence: Believing in your abilities and skills.
Do not be your own worst enemy. It is time to shake off that negative body image and find your confidence as the person God created you to be.
How to boost your confidence.
Boosting your body image is a skill that you can learn. You can learn how to identify negative thoughts and emotions and change them into positive reviews that will improve your self-esteem and strengthen your relationship with God.
Let’s be honest: when you are content with your image, and both feel and look good, it shows from the inside out, and that is an excellent way of bringing honor to God by embracing and thanking Him for the body you are given.
It is not in vain to want to be healthy and strong. Investing time in your appearance, inner circle, and faith is not selfish. Show gratitude, which brings you closer to God. When you improve your self-confidence, you shine brighter and attract more people. You walk taller and grab opportunities as they present themselves.
It is time to shed the negative thinking, embrace a positive body image, and make God the focus. All your other desires will be added by keeping your eyes on God and putting him first.
Learn how to dress.
Just like learning how to flip your mindset to accept a positive body image, learning how to dress well on a budget is also a skill. Could you ask the Holy Spirit to help you find an outfit? You will be surprised how easily you can assemble something God approves and picks out.
You only need to invest a little money in clothes to make an impact and gain self-confidence in your appearance. You can find free resources online, like articles, blog posts, and videos.
When you know how to put together outfits, you will notice that you no longer walk into a room trying to blend into the wallpaper, hoping that no one recognizes you. Instead, you can walk into a room as if you own the building. The confidence that ignites from a well-put-together wardrobe is powerful, especially if God is involved. It allows you opportunities to lead others to Christ.
Dressing well also shows you care for and honor yourself and your faith. When we let our bodies and appearance go, it makes others think that we do not care how we look and would not put effort into a new job or opportunity. Although this can be far from the truth of your work ethic, humans make assumptions.
However, when we place our best foot forward, we open doors or become influential without realizing it. If money is tight, list the basics to get you started and shop quality thrift stores for gently used items. You will be amazed at what you find, pray and ask for His help.
Get consistently active.
Many of us would feel better if we exercised consistently. Unfortunately, we often start and stop exercise routines. When we consistently train, our bodies reward us with multiple benefits and also can bring glory to God, including the following:
- Lower blood pressure and resting heart rate.
- Improved achy and stiff joints.
- Stronger muscles .
- More flexibility and improved balance to decrease injuries from a fall.
- Increased range of motion.
- Better respiratory and cardio functions.
- Improved endurance.
- Calmer mind.
- Reduces risk of anxiety and depression.
- Likelihood of eating healthier.
- Boosts immune response.
- Improved body image and confidence.
The good news is that you get to choose activities that you love. Do not feel pressured to do something that will make you dread the workout. You can try walking, jogging, swimming, lifting weights, yoga, Pilates, cycling, dancing, and more. You can find free videos on just about any activity online. Any activity outside in nature is a way to also connect with God while working out.
You can try a new activity every week, keeping the ones you enjoy and forgetting the rest. The goal is to do what you can and slowly improve over time. As you get stronger, change your body shape, and master moves; your confidence will soar.
Be like the five.
Motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” This means that when you spend time with people, you mimic their speech, behavior, and philosophies. Do you hang around negative people? Does your inner circle consist of complainers or people who pick apart their flaws and yours? Are they believers or have faith?
You do not have to drop these people from your life altogether. But consider making friends with like-minded people to the person you are becoming. For example, suppose you are a Christian trying to build self-confidence and self-esteem and overcome poor body image. In that case, you will want to find like-minded individuals working on or sharing a similar experience.
Check out local groups in your community or church. Or consider joining a group online with the same interests and positive mindset. When you know better, you do better. Find people living the life you want and surround yourself with their influence. You will be influenced either way, so make it for the better.
Engage in activities you love.

What activities do you personally enjoy for yourself, not your family or others? For example, you like hiking with your family but love training, running various 5Ks, and winning medals. Perhaps you want to do something less active because you are on the run all day. You may read or reread your favorite author’s books in one year. Whatever activity brings you a sense of accomplishment, do that.
Point out your best assets.
In the morning, you can make eye contact with yourself in the mirror after you ask God or the Holy Spirit to help you put together an outfit dress, say out loud what you love about your appearance, and practice gratitude for your body.
Are your eyes seeing the blessings around you, or are your strong shoulders carrying a toddler all day? Thank God for all your body parts and for keeping them functioning. Make a list, acknowledge your best assets, and speak them into existence.
Once you know what you adore about yourself, highlight those features. If it is your eyes, use makeup to enhance them. If it’s your shoulders, dress in tops, dresses, and tanks that show them off.
You are not being vain by highlighting what brings you joy, but acknowledging to yourself that you have unique features and God loves you no matter what and made you unique. Your assets are not only physical. Vow to practice being more faithful, caring, and kind.
Remember who you are in Christ.
To boost your confidence and body image to another level, remember that you are a son or daughter of a king. We forget amid life and responsibilities that God loved us so much that He sacrificed His only Son to have a relationship with us. He wants a relationship with you and created you in His image and likeness.
It is time to walk in the self-confidence of being a part of God’s royalty and representing Him through your fashion.
Is a negative body image weighing you down?
How you perceive yourself sets your attitude and tone for the day. Strong confidence will always be elusive if you cling to a negative body image. But accepting and loving your body the way God designed it does not happen overnight. It is a mindset and thought process that takes time.
If negative body image is weighing you down, contact a counselor today. You can schedule a free consultation to discuss how body image affects your self-esteem and self-worth. Your counselor can help you shift to a robust and beautiful child of God – exactly how God sees you. Amen!
“Shattered Image”, Courtesy of Joeyy Lee,, CC0 License; “The Woman in the Mirror”, Courtesy of Szabolcs Toth,, CC0 License; “Pointing the Finger”, Courtesy of Hannah Xu,, CC0 License; “Victory”, Courtesy of Miguel Bruna,, CC0 License;