Unusual Ways to Improve Mental Health
Robin D. Webb
Of course, we have all heard of the usual ways to improve mental health. If you are struggling with depression or anxiety, you may have perhaps explored self-help books and websites looking for different options.
There is nothing wrong with taking the tried-and-true path to better mental health. Seeing a Mental Health Specialist, spending time in prayer, and prioritizing self-care are all standard practices when trying to improve mental health.
These approaches are popular because they actually work. However, there are times when a less conventional approach to managing your stress can help supplement your mental health regimen. Here are some ideas you may not have heard of to assist you in achieving a healthier and happier you.

Singing has also been reported to decrease the stress hormone, cortisol. If you are feeling stressed, try singing in the shower, joining the church choir, or gathering some friends for a night of karaoke. Do not get hung up on how you sound, just enjoy how singing makes you feel.
Mud Mask
Mud? Really? Yes, really! A good mud mask not only does wonders for your skin, but it can also have surprising effects on your mental state. A mud mask takes at least fifteen minutes to dry, making you sit still and relax for a given amount of time.
Additionally, the cool, earthy texture can also be attributed to presenting you with a surprisingly soothing sensory experience! The mud mask can also help relieve muscle and joint pain which can also help you relax.
Remember when your Grandma used to knit scarves as gifts every Christmas? Well, it turns out she was onto something! Past generations relied on knitting for practical reasons, but the repetitive motion of knitting can result in more than just a fancy new scarf.
Knitting can also improve your mental health by increasing the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate mood and pain perception. Recent studies have also suggested that knitting can train your brain to release dopamine, which is associated with pleasurable activities.
Bird Watching
Think birdwatching is for retirees? Think again. There is something incredibly calming about focusing on the fluttering of tiny wings and listening to beautiful bird songs. Birdwatching can improve your mental health by lowering your blood pressure and cortisol levels.
One of the contributors to mental anguish is dwelling too much on the past or worrying about the future. Birdwatching forces you to focus on the present moment, as you try to focus on the quick and sometimes subtle movement of the little creatures. So, grab your binoculars and search for some new feathered friends!
Cleaning Your Bathroom

When you are performing a productive, physical activity, your brain may interpret that as you being in control. It does not have to be your bathroom, but wouldn’t it be a treat to have that chore done?
Multiple Input Approach
If you are feeling stressed, a single sensory activity might not be enough to distract you from your worries. Sometimes your mind needs more than one distraction to let go of stress. In these instances, try a Multi-Input Approach to controlling your thoughts and interrupting negative thought patterns.
You can listen to your favorite television show while you are doing a craft (such as knitting!)
Consider going for a walk in nature while you listen to a podcast. Try to engage at least two of your senses simultaneously to overload your mind with positive input and distract it from the stresses of the day.
Going to the Playground
Remember the carefree days of childhood? Not only does playing recapture some of the innocence of youth, but engaging in physical activity can release endorphins which helps reduce tension and boost your mood. Go to a playground, jump rope, or gather some friends for a game of tag. Doing something physical, playful, and spontaneous can give your mind a moment to relax.
The sense of smell is probably the least celebrated of our senses. When you inhale essential oils, the scent molecules travel through your nose and stimulate the limbic system. This is the part of the brain that controls memory, but it also controls emotion. Scents like lavender and chamomile are associated with relaxation and the reduction of anxiety.

Listening to Tunes
Music, like other forms of art, is closely tied to our emotions. Creating music can be an emotional outlet for the writer and composer, but it can also help the listener manage stress.
Listening to music can trigger the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with reward and motivation. This can create feelings of relaxation or happiness. Music is part of celebrations and rituals around the world and has been since the dawn of time.
The Bible even discusses the importance of music and praise. Tap into the power of music by making specific playlists for when you want to pray and one for just pure enjoyment.
Play Therapy
Seeking help from a professional mental health specialist may be an obvious step toward good mental health, but have you considered Play Therapy? Your therapist can help guide you in a play therapy session to unlock your inner, carefree child.
Play therapy is a branch of psychology where a therapist monitors your behavior and makes recommendations based on their findings. While play therapy is most often used in children, you can ask your therapist if it might be a good approach for your particular needs.
Christian Therapy
The only true peace we can ever achieve is through Christ. He offers us reconciliation to Him and help through our practical, human journey. While God’s peace is offered, we don’t always know how to accept it or fully embrace the awesomeness of God.
If you are dealing with a spiritual issue, it might be time to talk to a therapist who specializes in spiritual matters. Christian therapists are more than just therapists who profess Christianity. They are trained professionals who focus their efforts on addressing your mental health issues from a biblical worldview.
Hope for the Future
Poor mental health can rob you of your current joy and hope for tomorrow. But there is hope.
The process of taking an intentional approach to your mental health can help give you a sense of control and hope for the future. Traditional methods for stress management should not be discontinued, but using some of these innovative ideas may help to supplement your care regimen.
If you are ready to speak to a Christian therapist to discuss more methods of improving your mental health, contact our office today.
“You’re Capable”, Courtesy of Alysha Rosly, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Knitting”, Courtesy of Getty Images, Unsplash.com, Unsplash+ License; “Aromatherapy”, Courtesy of Chelsea shapouri, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Sad”, Courtesy of Adolfo Félix, Unsplash.com, Unsplash+ License