Mining My Peace: Understanding and ...
Before we can understand and address anxiety, we must answer the question, “What is anxiety?” Anxiety is defined as an...
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Before we can understand and address anxiety, we must answer the question, “What is anxiety?” Anxiety is defined as an...
continue reading »Relationships are one of the most important gifts God has given us. They play a huge role in our happiness,...
continue reading »Belonging to a family, whether by birth, faith, or choice, develops connections. These can sometimes be marked with apparent contradictions....
continue reading »Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone seeks to establish social dominance by intentionally and repeatedly harming...
continue reading »Trauma is defined as a response to an extremely stressful event or situation – sometimes many of them at once....
continue reading »Congratulations! You’ve decided to begin the process of working through your heart’s hurt and healing your soul. Yet, when we...
continue reading »How often do you turn to emotional eating when under pressure, pushed against a deadline, or upon hearing bad news?...
continue reading »According to author, therapist, and attorney, Deedee Cummings, “Emotional burnout happens when you have faced such a high level of...
continue reading »Traumatic events are unpredictable and devastating. They can happen any time and anywhere, leaving the people who experience them with...
continue reading »Do you feel like you and your spouse just cannot get through to each other? Or as if you are...
continue reading »Take a read through this article and see how many of these causes for resentment in marriage you identify with....
continue reading »This article will address what it means to be a real man. I will be touching on three themes: worldview,...
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